Feeling not enough, not smart enough, not pretty enough, too old, too much, useless, not worthy - I hear you. All these beliefs, and more, stem from that feeling of not being enough.

During this five week course you will get to understand, practice and embed key ways of connecting back to you, your true self and your enoughness. Are you in?



Feeling not enough, not smart enough, not pretty enough, too old, too much, useless, not worthy - I hear you. All these beliefs, and more, stem from that feeling of not being enough.

During this five week course you will get to understand, practice and embed key ways of connecting back to you, your true self and your enoughness. Are you in?

"I've been in that place of not feeling enough, and I know how dark and lonely it can be. That's why I created this five week course — to share what I've learned along my journey to help you find your way out of that stuck place too, while sharing the journey with others and finding the gold that groupwork can bring." - Liz Fry

Are you ready to start reconnecting with your enoughness?

during this five week online coaching course you will

Understand the stories that can sabotage everything we want.

Gain understanding of why certain behaviours, actions, patterns have played out as they have.

Understand the role our nervous system plays in our enoughness.

Acquire more tools and ideas for the toolbox for in the moment and ongoing practices.

See how these benefits can make a difference in how you feel about yourself, and how the benefits ripple out and make a difference in all areas of our lives…

during this five week online coaching course you will

Understand the stories that can sabotage everything we want.

Gain understanding of why certain behaviours, actions, patterns have played out as they have.

Understand the role our nervous system plays in our enoughness.

Acquire more tools and ideas for the toolbox for in the moment and ongoing practices.

See how these benefits can make a difference in how you feel about yourself, and how the benefits ripple out and make a difference in all areas of our lives…

 This course is for you if -

You know you’ve done well to get as far as you have...

You know that there is more inside of you…

You feel that there are parts of you that have got lost and want to reclaim…

You know your authentic light is not shining up in this world…

You know your authentic light is not shining up in this world…

 This course is for you if -

You know you’ve done well to get as far as you have...

You know that there is more inside of you…

You feel that there are parts of you that have got lost and want to reclaim…

You know your authentic light is not shining up in this world…

You want more… You’re just not quite sure how?

What is included?

Weekly online group coaching sessions via Zoom.

Private Facebook group with access to resources, group support and participation.

Connection - an opportunity to learn from each other and share the journey.

Incredible value with plenty of practical tools and know-how that you can apply straight away!

Small group learning - only 8 places.
Next kick off date - Wednesday 19th June 6.30pm.

An investment of $397 per person, needing a minimum of 4 people to go ahead. EARLYBIRD special is just $97!

$97 earlybird

Feedback on this message...

"So many lightbulbs! Thanks Liz, you have helped me see that I am not crazy, that what I am experiencing is normal and have given me some tools to work with."
- Sharon

"My nervous system's no longer in a panic.  My brain and my memory works.  I no longer get stuck in that gross place.  You make everything simple and relatable .  Thank you."
- Terri

"You helped me see that I have high expectations for my family and myself, and that maybe I need to appreciate where we are at more, that we are enough."
- Sam

"This work has it all.  So many missing pieces of the puzzle that are helping me make sense of what has been going on in so many areas of my life."
- Susan

Reserve your seat now!

Early bird price available only until 12th June, 2024. After that full price of $397 per person applies.

Don't miss out!

$97 earlybird

Find answers to

How does the feeling of not enough play out in my body?

How does feeling safe play a part?

What are the signs I am in one of the survival modes?

How can I calm my nervous system?

How can I connect to my enoughness and build my self-worth?

Reserve your seat now!

Early bird price currently available. After that full price of $397 per person applies.

Don't miss out!

$97 earlybird

Find answers to

How does the feeling of not enough play out in my body?

How does feeling safe play a part?

What are the signs I am in one of the survival modes?

How can I calm my nervous system?

How can I connect to my enoughness and build my self-worth?

Hi, I'm Liz Fry! It is often said that we are here to teach what we are here to have learnt.

This is absolutely the case here.  I have very much been in that place of not feeling enough, and for me it has been thick, dark, grey, heavy, lonely. I have been on a long journey understanding what was going on, and then what I could do about it.
Having been a nurse, worked for the Prison Service and run a pub, I came to realise I love people! Couple that with having been on my own journey, I am now passionate about living life to the fullest, and supporting others to do the same.

Liz Fry
Certified Life Coach and Founder of The Hummingbird Collective

Hi, I'm Liz Fry! It is often said that we are here to teach what we are here to have learnt.

This is absolutely the case here. Having been a nurse, worked for the Prison Service and run a pub, I came to realise I love people! Having also been on my own journey, am now passionate about living life to the fullest, and supporting others to do the same.

I have very much been in that place of not feeling enough, and for me it has been thick, dark, grey, heavy, lonely. I have been on a long journey understanding what was going on, and then what I could do about it.  

Liz Fry
Certified Life Coach and Founder of The Hummingbird Collective

Remember - YOU ARE ENOUGH!

Reserve your seat and start feeling it for yourself.