courageously enough

Do you struggle with feeling not enough? Would you rather have more fun, adventures, freedom, confidence, autonomy, belonging in your life?


Do you struggle with feeling not enough? Would you rather have more fun, adventures, freedom, confidence, autonomy, belonging in your life?


* Do you struggle with gremlins or inner critic that says you're not enough?

* Do you suffer from imposter syndrome, worried that one day people might realise that you don't actually know what you're doing...

*Are there things in your world that you are really wanting, but there just seems to be something in the way...

*Are you on your way to creating change but would really like to share the journey with others along the way?

* Do you want to be experiencing more joy, peace, freedom and laughter in your world?

If one or more of these statements has resonated, then this community could be just the ticket!


* Do you struggle with gremlins or inner critic that says you're not enough?  

* Do you suffer from imposter syndrome, worried that one day people might realise that you don't actually know what you're doing...

*Are there things in your world that you are really wanting, but there just seems to be something in the way...

*Are you on your way to creating change but would really like to share the journey with others along the way?

* Do you want to be experiencing more joy, peace, freedom and laughter in your world?

If one or more of these statements has resonated, then this community could be just the ticket!

Come and join us!


For most of my life, I have lived with that feeling of not being enough.  A feeling that I was wrong, there was something wrong with me.  

When it hit, it was painful, felt incredibly debilitating and I would just want the world to swallow me up.

In more recent times, by putting the pieces of the puzzle together, I came to understand what was playing out, the process that the belief of not being enough would trigger and ultimately what I could do about it.

As I started to get glimpses of what life could really hold, I wanted more of it!  I wanted to understand what life could be like if I was feeling enough and truly showing up!

Time to learn to live.  


For most of my life, I carried a burden with me, a feeling of not being enough. A feeling that I was wrong, there was something wrong with me.

It was very painful, felt incredibly debilitating and I would just want the world to swallow me up when it hit.

In more recent times, by putting the pieces of the puzzle together, I came to understand that this was shame.  I had been carrying with me a burden of shame.

Don't get me wrong, I have had some great experiences over the years, but as I healed and released the burden I began to wonder what else.  How could life be now I wasn't carrying this heavy burden around everywhere?  What would it feel like if  I was really living?

It was time to learn how. It was time to learn to live.  

Welcome to...

A community for women tired of the humdrum, who are wanting to take their power back.

A community of women who want to bring more colour, understanding, vibrancy, energy, wisdom and adventures in to their world.

A community that meets you where you are at and helps you to get to where you want to be.


A community for women who are ready to step up and show up...

You're ready to dip your toe...

You're not quite sure what you want to be changing, but you feel that something needs to.  Maybe you have realised that work has taken over a bit, that other responsiblities have crept in to your calendar a bit too often.  Maybe you want to remember what is out therein the offline world

When we can't quite put our finger on what needs to change, it can be hard to know where to start, to know what some of those first steps might be.  

Is this resonating?  Wanting something more, but not sure what?

This community is for you.

You're ready to dip your toe...

You're not quite sure what you want to be changing, but you feel that something needs to.  Maybe you have realised that work has taken over a bit, that other responsiblities have crept in to your calendar a bit too often.  Maybe you want to remember what is out there outside of social media and online games....

When we can't quite put our finger on what needs to change, it can be hard to know where to start, to know what some of those first steps might be.

Is this resonating?  Wanting something more, but not sure what?

This community is for you.

You're on your way...

Over the last wee while, maybe few months, or maybe less, you have started to get clear on what it is you want, maybe who you are, how you want to feel, what you want life, your world to look like...  You're beginning to feel the benefits, but maybe you know that past efforts haven't lasted, or you've taken the first steps, but not sure how to keep taking them or what's next...

Maybe you have all the right intentions and plans, but you'd appreciate some inspiration, maybe some tools or pieces of the puzzle, people to share the journey with...

Then this community is for you.

You're loving your adventures!

You know what inspires you lights you up, makes you smile, brings you joy. You are connecting with your true self, living more authentically in your every day and feeling the benefits of this...

You have got clear on what you want your adventures to look like, but hold an openness to new opportunities.

Maybe you're keen for some company, share the wisdom, the understandings, to celebrate with to share the findings to step up together...

Then this community is for you.

You're on your way...

Over the last wee while, you have started to get clear on what it is you want, maybe who you are, how you want to feel, what you want life, your world to look like...  You're beginning to feel the benefits, but maybe you know that past efforts haven't lasted, or you've taken the first steps, but not sure how to keep taking them or what's next...

Maybe you have all the right intentions and plans, but you'd appreciate some inspiration, maybe some tools or pieces of the puzzle, people to share the journey with...

Then this community is for you

You're loving what you're finding!

You know what inspires you lights you up, makes you smile, brings you joy. You are connecting with your true self, living more authentically in your every day and feeling the benefits of this...

You have got clear on what you want your adventures to look like, but hold an openness to new opportunities.

Maybe you're keen for some company, share the wisdom, the understandings, to celebrate with to share the findings to step up together...

Then this community is for you.

One of my favourite aspects of group work and being part of a community, is that feeling of belonging, of togetherness, learning or exploring, shared courage and encouragement, inspiration and celebration.

Here in Courageously Enough we find ourselves a part of something, something bigger than ourselves.  A place where we can truly reconnect back with, and fully step in to, the beautiful essence of who we are.

Again, it can be easy to say ‘yes this is what I want to be doing, this is what I want my life to look like,’ but sometimes those gremlins and old stories start kicking in telling you that you won’t be able to do it.  We might believe that we are too old/young/out of shape/useless etc. We can end up sabotaging the very dreams we want before they have barely taken shape because of the story reel that can play out.

Which is why this community is backed with tools and resources to not only help you identify and navigate those gremlins, but to help you understand more about your true self, what is important to you, who you want to have around you, what you want from life, what you want to feel more of, who you want to show up as, where you want to be heading...

"With Courageously Enough I feel I can comfortably be my authentic self. There is this overwhelming sense of belonging. You aren't expected to have all your 'ducks in a row,' you can be open and honest without judgement. The group wraps you up and you feel heard and respected. I came into it with much uncertainty but from the first introduction I felt included, cared for and connected at my level. I am now slowly growing my self worth and feeling valued."

Charlotte - member

what other benefits do members feel from being part of COURAGEOUSLY ENOUGH?

Increased confidence

Confidence comes from taking action, but sometimes it can be hard to motivate ourselves or maybe it can feel a bit daunting or the anxiety kicks in. Having a community around us can help us to take those steps.

Increased resilience

Sometimes those steps outside of the comfort zone don’t always go as we would hope. We build resilience by finding ways back to our true self, back to our path. The gold is in taking the steps.


One of the benefits is to share that journey, yes the hard times, but the great times too! The wins, the insights, the adventures, those times we have stepped out the comfort zone and want to shout it out to the world! 

understanding more

It is often said that knowledge is power. Having more awareness and understanding of mind, body, heart and soul can help us be more compassionate to ourselves and lead a holistic, healthier, more empowered life. Learning from each other.


This community is for action takers, for those that want to bring about change in their life. There are many healing benefits of everyday adventures and we use them as a way of taking steps to reconnect with our enoughness.

feeling a part of

Being part of a community (particularly of women!) can really help us reclaim our identity, our purpose, our courage and our inherent wisdom. A way of finding our place in the world alongside others. A journey of authenticity and belonging.

What's the connection between enoughness and everyday adventures?

There are many healing benefits of adventures whether it is stepping outside of our comfort zone, facing fears, building resilience, having more fun, calming our nervous system, reducing stress, creating great memories, having new stories to tell and many more!

The healing journey can be tough at times, but by having adventures in the mix too, the healing journey can also be beautiful and fun and exciting too!

The gold of everyday adventures in particular is that we have far more opportunities to bring them in to our world and therefore more opportunities for healing (and fun and variety and spontaneity too!)

Come and join us!

"Liz, I want to thank you for creating a group where I don't feel pressurised to participate in a certain way. You say it meets you where you are it, and it absolutely does."

Carrie - member

What does being a part of this community includE?

Think belonging, acceptance, being met where you are at and help getting to where you want to be... Think ideas, inspiration, tools... Think friendships, connection, people that 'get you'... Think being heard, seen, understood... Think nourishment, energy, courage and confidence... Think of the community as your fellow travellers... Destination? 

The Community

Beautiful space for the Courageously Enough community to share and celebrate together! We connect in a private Facebook group.


Liz will be hosting different online sessions including guest speakers for members to be a part of.


Liz shares examples from her journey and healing moments along the way.


Liz shares tools and ideas through video, audio and written word, so as and when you need, you have access to ways of finding more pieces of the puzzle...


Events and such like that are only available to those in Courageously Enough.

background support

Liz and the team are in the wings to help whether that's tech, something that has come up, a block in your path or something else!  We've got your back!

The Community

Beautiful space for the Courageously Enough community to share and celebrate together! We connect in a private Facebook group.


Liz will be hosting different online sessions including guest speakers for members to be a part of.


Liz shares examples from her journey and healing moments along the way.


Liz shares tools and ideas through video, audio and written word, so as and when you need, you have access to ways of finding more pieces of the puzzle...


Events and such like that are only available to those in Courageously Enough.

background support

Liz and the team are in the wings to help whether that's tech, something that has come up, a block in your path or something else!  We've got your back!

Final words from some more of our members...

"I feel seen and heard within this group. That doesn't always happen elsewhere, but when we gather on here you are seen and heard. Everyone is listening. That is super important to me."


"I appreciate how through Courageously Enough, it gives some perspective, some other points of view that are outside of those we may normally interact with. The members I have connected with are amazing people with really good hearts, and whether things are going well or not, people are present."


"It's nice to feel that you can contribute to something, or not if you don't feel like it, you can just soak it in. Even if it's the tiniest contribution, it could be the thing that makes a difference for someone. I also appreciate the total acceptance. When someone is going through some hard stuff, we can share and provide that reassurance that they are not on their own, that there is someone that understands."


"I love how we naturally hold space for each other, it's a magic dynamic in a world that usually talks more than it listens. This is a group where we are heard, it's a real gift."



This subscriptions comes with a vibrant, private Facebook group.

Weekly Subscription


A weekly investment to be part of Courageously Enough.

Monthly Subscription


A monthly investment to be part of Courageously Enough.

Annual Subscription


An annual investment to be part of Courageously Enough.

It takes courage to say "I want more." It takes courage to say "I don't want to settle for where I am at." For our authentic self hearing these words can feel such a relief.  It means that something is happening, something is changing... Be excited, be hopeful. Life can be very different...